Children Helping Children
“It’s never too early to teach our kids to lend a helping hand,” says Lynda, a new volunteer this year with the Metro-Boston Diaper Drive. In that spirit, in lieu of birthday gifts, she asked invitees to her young child’s birthday party to bring diapers to donate to the Diaper Drive. You can see from the picture that their friends and family really came through!
These diapers will be added to the 7,265 diapers that have already arrived at the WIC office. That number will rise dramatically once the Drive ends this coming Sunday and our volunteers collect all the boxes and deliver them to WIC. There is still plenty of time to donate through our registries if you can’t get to a collection box. Just click on the donate page on the homepage.

I would like help organizing a diaper drive in Lowell. I am the care coordinator for the new program Supporting Moms Strengthening Families. I would like any information on the hows & the who’s to get this started.
Hi Cheryl,
My apologies for not seeing this comment sooner. If you go through our contact us page, you can send me an email, and I can respond with some information if you’re still interested.
Warmly, Kim